A Prayer to St. Valentine by clockheartedcrocodile - Пепельная среда выпадает на День святого Валентина (это походу заявка, потому что как минимум один текст с тем же условием я уже видела).
Happy Valentine's Day, говорит нам автор. Remember, you are dust.
Томас мечтает о том, как мог бы любить Маркуса, будь они обычной гомосексуальной парочкой.
А может, и не мечтает - просто предается невинным фантазиям)

Tomas clutches him close and presses his face against Marcus’ neck. “Te amo,” he whispers, his voice wrecked and his heart pounding.
Here he can say it without consequences. Here he can say it and Marcus believes him. Here in his dreams, neither of them are dust, and neither of them will return to it.

Вчера оставила кудос, но в закладки не сохранила - а сегодня вернулась и сохранила. Есть тут что-то очень, очень хорошее - целомудрие без ханжества, сдержанность без горечи.

Tomas leans forward, hardly knowing what he’s doing. He presses a lingering kiss to Marcus’ forehead, with the same reverence with which he kisses his Bible.
When he pulls back, Marcus’ eyes are open, and he’s looking at Tomas like he’s something sacred.
“You’ve got-” he murmurs, reaching up to touch Tomas’ lips, and Tomas realizes his kiss must’ve left a smudge of ash across his mouth. He lets Marcus wipe it away with his fingertips.
“I’ve only made it worse,” Marcus says gently, a playful gleam in his eyes. He shows Tomas his graphite-smeared hands, then runs two fingers down Tomas’ cheek, smearing it with pencil-marks. “You look a real mess now.”
“Like you?” says Tomas. Marcus has to cover his mouth with the back of his hand to hold back his laughter.
“We can’t laugh,” he says, in a voice of forced severity. “This is a religious moment.”
Marcus’ “Calm Voice” reminds Tomas of Bennett at just the wrong moment, and he lets out a stifled pfft of laughter that sets Marcus off too, and then they’re both laughing, kneeling across from each other with ash on their foreheads and laughing about it, and Marcus’ hand is on Tomas’ shoulder and nothing, nothing could be better than [...] kneeling side by side with his dearest friend, their heads piously bowed, praying to welcome in the season of Lent. It won’t be the first time they’ve gone hungry and called it fasting.

А еще здесь Томас влюблен до звездочек в глазах, и господи, как же я его понимаю