The demon finally relents, leaving Bennett with a sprained ankle and Marcus with a deep gash on his stomach. The girl’s family insists on having them for dinner, but when they get back home, Bennett pushes him hard against the door, and it’s less of a kiss and more like biting into each other’s mouths. Marcus has never been on this side of things, but Bennett takes the lead, straddles him right there on the living room floor.
He doesn’t remember falling asleep after it’s over, but he wakes up to Bennett nudging him on the ribs. His back creaks and there is a terrible crick in his neck, and the bastard doesn’t seem the least bit sorry about having let him sleep on the floor.
They have breakfast in silence, and Bennett leaves for church. Marcus is gone by the time he comes back.
Кофешоп оказался очень даже ничего: Sketches by Sir_Bedevere, Томас владелец кофейни, Маркус
А еще там Луис, и, хотя я обычно терпеть не могу детей в фанфиках, он такой симпатичный чувак
Later, he comes out of the kitchen to see Luis’ table is empty. He glances around, heart racing, then breathes when he sees Luis sat with Marcus.
“I hope you’re not making a nuisance of yourself,” he says, putting a hand on Luis’ shoulder. The boy shakes his head, and Marcus does the same.
“We were having a very nice conversation. I’ve never met such an intelligent young man.”
Despite the ridiculousness of the situation, Tomas feels a flicker of pride.
Which is, unfortunately, quickly doused.
“I told Marcus that you want to take him for dinner,” Luis says, so matter of fact. “I heard you telling Mummy.”
Tomas is speechless. His hand tightens on Luis’ shoulder and he tries to loosen it, and he’s bright red, and Luis is looking up at him with such trust and Marcus – well, he’s still here.
“I’d be delighted, by the way,” Marcus says, when Tomas can’t put a single one of those thoughts into words.
leave your broken windows open (a head full of dreams) by susiecarter - Томас опять видит сны о Маркусе, только теперь тот изгоняет демона не из мексиканского мальчика, а из самого Томаса.
Tomas wakes from the dream with blurred vision, tears caught in the corners of his eyes. That—that wasn't like the dream of Mexico City, it couldn't have been; that's nothing that's ever happened to either of them, not a room he recognizes.
But it felt the same. It felt real. It felt like he was there. And if, he dares to think, it isn't something that has happened, but rather something that will—
It's terrifying, to think such a fate is waiting for him. To think he'll be broken like that, his body wrecked, his face almost unrecognizable. That one day he's going to need Father Marcus's skills, that something will crawl inside him and do its utmost to consume him, and come far too close to succeeding.
But: it won't. It won't. He won't be alone. Father Marcus—strange, magnetic, ineffable Father Marcus—will come for him, and save him.
So yes, the dream is startling, frightening. But in a way, Tomas decides, he's grateful for it.
Единственное, чего я не поняла: в одном из снов Томас целует Маркуса. Тот не отталкивает его, но и не отвечает, и Томас-во-сне решает, что должен извиниться. Это важно, потому что, когда всё начинает сбываться, настоящий Томас помнит о снах и знает, что будет.
Но теперь он знает наверняка, что Маркус любит его - во всех смыслах - и что поцелуй не был неприятным или нежелательным.
Станет ли он извиняться?
А если нет, не вызовет ли это какой-нибудь там "эффект бабочки"?))