Не просите – и будет вам дано, не ищите – и найдете. А тот, кто делает – тому опаньки.
- You act like Brother Simon was the first, but his is not the face you see when you close your eyes... Where are yeh, Markyboy? I know you're in here.
- My dad was a mad dog. I did what needed to be done.
- You tell yourself that. But your mum were long dead, and the door right there. You could have run. You could have gone for help. You chose to take that gun off the wall. That's why it haunts you. Not because you regret it, but because you enjoyed it. It makes you wonder if that violence in your heart was always there. Or if it gets passed from one generation to the next.
- You know something? You're the first one that ever got that right.

@темы: Экзорцист с пистолетом, Цитата